Need a magician in Frost, Texas? Start by browsing our comprehensive list of magicians in Frost. Then check out a few that seem interesting to you. You’ll want to make sure that the magician you hire has experience working similar events and that he or she is skilled, charismatic, and professional.
Once you find a Frost magician, you'll want to check their availability. It’s typically a good ide...Read moreNeed a magician in Frost, Texas? Start by browsing our comprehensive list of magicians in Frost. Then check out a few that seem interesting to you. You’ll want to make sure that the magician you hire has experience working similar events and that he or she is skilled, charismatic, and professional.
Once you find a Frost magician, you'll want to check their availability. It’s typically a good idea to book a magician three to six months before your party. You can even try to attend another event where they will be performing or check out a promotional video. After you find a magician that you like, you can put down a deposit.
After you've booked your Frost, Texas magician, you can figure out how the magic show will fit into your event’s itinerary. You can also coordinate with the magician and find an opportunity to include the guest of honor in the performance.
The MerFriends is a professional troupe of believable mermaids, mermen, and pirates who are available, swimming or dry, for a variety of events. We also provide all of JM Barrie's original NeverLand ch...Read moreThe MerFriends is a professional troupe of believable mermaids, mermen, and pirates who are available, swimming or dry, for a variety of events. We also provide all of JM Barrie's original NeverLand characters as well as certified lifeguards for private pool events.
Professional. Believable. Safe.
The MerFriends formed as a way for local professional mers to work together so to establish and build the Dallas-Fort Worth mer-market. Most members of the troupe have a background in the performing arts and came with extensive training for stage and film. Several of them are also experienced event entertainers, appearing as various fantasy, story, and heroic characters for children's birthday parties.
Since forming, the mermaids and mermen have worked together to perfect basic water skills such as flips, twists, bubble shapes, extended breath holds, and underwater modeling poses. They also wrote and choreographed their various shows. The pirates have attended stage combat workshops, learning to adequately handle the very real swords and daggers. Each member of the troupe is CPR, First Aide, and Lifeguard certified. Our commitment is to be Professional, Believable, and Safe which requires ongoing training and practice. The MerFriends have swim practice once a week, inservice training once a quarter, and rehearsals for performances as needed at their home pool, Kirby Creek Natatorium in Grand Prairie.
Need a magician in Frost, Texas? Start by browsing our comprehensive list of magicians in Frost. Then check out a few that seem interesting to you. You’ll want to make sure that the magician you hire has experience working similar events and that he or she is skilled, charismatic, and professional.
Once you find a Frost magician, you'll want to check their availability. It’s typically a good ide...Read moreNeed a magician in Frost, Texas? Start by browsing our comprehensive list of magicians in Frost. Then check out a few that seem interesting to you. You’ll want to make sure that the magician you hire has experience working similar events and that he or she is skilled, charismatic, and professional.
Once you find a Frost magician, you'll want to check their availability. It’s typically a good idea to book a magician three to six months before your party. You can even try to attend another event where they will be performing or check out a promotional video. After you find a magician that you like, you can put down a deposit.
After you've booked your Frost, Texas magician, you can figure out how the magic show will fit into your event’s itinerary. You can also coordinate with the magician and find an opportunity to include the guest of honor in the performance.